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Tuesday, 22 February 2011






  1. What is Transaction Processors?
Transaction is a group of SQL statements. In Transaction Processor several statements to be executed together as one logical unit, thereby guaranteeing that either all statements would be executed successfully or none. The Transaction Processor was designed to solve several business needs.  A typical transaction program that consists of at least three calls:
·        Begin
·        Commit
·        Rollback

2.      What are the ACID properties of Transactions?

·        Atomicity
This property states that all actions that are part of a transaction will execute as one logical unit; either all will complete successfully or the transaction will be undone.
·        Consistency
This property states that the underlying database will always be in a reasonable state.  It guarantees that, if a transaction fails in mid-operation, the database will not be left in a partially modified state; any changes to the database must be undone.
·        Isolation
This property states that, until a transaction has been committed, its state is not visible from outside itself.
·        Durability
This property states that, once the transaction has been completed , the changes are stored permanently.

    3. Write abbreviation of OLTP and list out their characteristics.
            OLTP -> On-Line Transaction Processing.

            OLTP system Characteristics are:
ü      An OLTP system updates data in a database.
ü      Response time is critical for OLTP systems.
ü      An OLTP system typically handles a large volume of transactions.
4. Write abbreviation of OLAP, DSS, EIS systems and list out their characteristics.
      OLAP -> On-Line Analytical Processing
      DSS    ->   Decision Support Systems
      EIS     ->   Enterprise Information System
      These Systems characteristics are:
ü      It is used to review information; generally it does not involve database updates.
ü      Response time is not as critical as for an OLTP system; it may involve long-running queries.
ü      This type of system typically generates a smaller number of requests; because it provides data for review, user “think time” tends to be longer.

5. Write about Two-Tier Client-Server Architecture
                        The combination of the database server and the PC client is commonly referred to as“two-tier” architecture or client-server architecture. In this system, transaction integrity is usually guaranteed by the database management system itself, rather than by an external transaction process. The application of this system runs on the client machine and issue queries to the database server. The Client contains both
·        Presentation logic
·        Business Logic

6. Write about Three-Tier Client-Server Architecture
                        In the three-tier approach, the database is the ultimate repository of information and the client remains responsible for providing the user-interface logic. The business rules are separated into a middle tier. The database server appears separately. The Client contains presentation logic for user interaction and the middleware contains business logic to access the database server.  The Three-Tier architecture can be implemented using a wide variety of approaches, including the following:
·        Sockets
·        RPCs
·        CORBA
·        RMI
·        OLE/DCOM
·        Message Queue

7. Write about CORBA.
CORBA stand for Common Object Request Broker Architecture. CORBA 
 Can be envisioned as an object-oriented RPC mechanism. CORBA also uses an IDL to specify the  argument types and return types of functions, but the CORBA IDL  includes semantics for describing objects , unlike the stub IDL. A CORBA developer writes an IDL through the compiler. The CORBA architecture also includes an Object Request Broker (ORB). The ORB is the component that allows clients to communication with server objects and services.
ü      One very important facet of CORBA is that it allows objects written in one language on one platform to be called by objects written in a different language on a different platform.
ü      A typical CORBA server object is multithreaded.

8. What is RMI?
                        RMI stands for Remote Method Invocation. This is basically a Java-only version of CORBA. Because RMI is specific to java, it’s a bit simpler to use than CORBA.  The RMI compiler is rmic which generates stub and skeleton classes directly from .class files. RMI   understands Java types, client request.

9. What is OLE/DCOM?
            Microsoft offers one approach to distributed computing based on the company’s Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) architecture. This approach has been dubbed the Distributed internetworking Architecture (DNA), and several other names. Microsoft has voiced a strong commitment to the OLE/DCOM object model.

10. List out EJB’s Role.
v     EJB specifies an execution environment.
v     EJB exists in the middle tier.
v     EJB supports transaction processing
v     EJB can maintain state.
v     EJB is simple

11. What are all the services provided by the EJB container?
·        Support for Transactions
·        Support for persistence
·        Support for security
·        Management of multiple instances of a given bean
·        Proxy objects for each bean.
·        Keeps track of state information
·        Platform independence
·        Multi-tier Architecture
·        Concurrent execution of many beans

12. List out the key features of the EJB architecture.
Ø      The EJB bean exists within the container.
Ø      The client never communicates directly with the EJB bean; rather, it talks to the bean through its home interface and its remote interface, both of which are provided by the container.
Ø      The EJB server does not take part in the logical conversation between client and EJB bean.  The server is performing a lot of work behind the scenes-remember, the server must handle requests for the container and feed the container incoming client requests.  All access is performed against the container.

13. What is declarative transaction management?
            Declarative transaction management is another approach in EJB container for handling Transaction process.   In this approach the author of the bean can specify what type of transaction support the bean requires. When the bean is deployed, the container reads the deployment descriptor associated with that particular EJB bean and automatically provides the necessary transaction support.

14. What are the six possible mode of transaction in EJB?

15. How the EJB server managing the multiple instances?
            The server may perform several tasks to managing the multiple instances:
·        Instance Passivation
·        Instance pooling
·        Database connection pooling
·        Precached instances
·        Optimized method invocations

16. What is Instance Passivation ?
             Instance passivation is the temporary swapping of an EJB bean out to storage. If  a  container needs resources, it may choose to temporarily swap out a bean. Both Session and Entity beans can be passivated . For Session beans, passivation is strictly performed as a convenience for the EJB container, to allow it t free up space.  For Entity beans, the mechanism used to passivated the bean is also used to synchronize its state with the underlying data store.

17. What is Instance pooling?
            Instance pooling means that the container shares instances of EJB beans among multiple clients. This task is typically undertaken for purposes of efficiency; it allows the EJB container t instantiate fewer copies of a given bean to service requests. Instance pooling is not possible in all cases; because a stateful Session bean tracks conversational state in its instance variables, the container must provide one session bean per client.

18. What is database connection pooling?
            Database connection pooling is a strategy commonly employed in middleware applications. In this approach, when a component to access a database, it does not create a new database connection; instead, it simply grabs a connection from a pool of available connections. Database connection pooling is beneficial for two reasons:
o       It avoid overhead
o       Maintain an open database.

19. What is Precached instances?
            Precached instances land some state information from a database when it is created. To speed up the loading process, it is possible to keep a cache of EJB state information in some readily accessible place to accelerate the initial creation of EJB.

20. What is an Optimized method invocation?
            Optimized method invocations are employed to combat overhead costs associated
With remote invocation. Whether the client of an EJB is a remote client or another EJB in the same container, the APIs used to gain access to it are always the same.  A typical EJB interaction is as follows:
·        Use a naming service to locate the EJB’s home interface.
·        Make a call on the EJB’s home interface to gain access to its remote interface.
·        Make calls to the business methods against the remote interface.

21. What are the types of Enterprise Beans?
            The Enterprise bean classified into following types. These are
·        Entity Bean
·        Session Bean

22. What is Session beans and list out types of it?
 Session beans are for managing process or tasks. A Session bean is mainly for coordinating particular kinds of activities. Session beans are tied to the lifetime of a given client session. They are relatively short-lived; stateful session objects are created in response to a single client’s request, communication exclusively with a single client, and die when the client no longer needs them. Thus a session bean would typically be used to provide a service to a particular client. A Session bean is required to implement the javax.ejb.SessionBean interface.
 The Session bean classified into two types. These are
·        Stateful Session  Bean
·        Stateless Session Bean

23. What is Stateless Session Beans?
                        Stateless session beans do not maintain any conversational state. Each method is completely independent and uses only data passed in its parameters. One can specify whether a bean is stateful or not in the bean’s deployment descriptor. A container can easily handle a state- less Session bean , because instances of a stateless bean can be  created and destroyed at will, without about their state at the time of their destruction.

24. What is Stateful Session Beans?
                        Stateful session beans maintain conversational state when used by a client. A Stateful Session bean is a bean that changes state during a conversation. Conversational state is not written to a database but can store some state in private variables during one method call and a subsequent method call can rely on this state. Maintaining a conversational state allows a client to carry on a conversation with a bean. As each method on the bean is invoked, the state of the session bean may change and that change can affect subsequent method calls.

25. What is Entity Beans?
Entity Beans are long-lived; they exist across client sessions, are sheared by multiple clients, and remain alive even after a restart of the server or other failure. An Entity EJB object represents a set of data in persistent storage. An Entity bean must implement the Entity Bean interface.
The Entity Beans are classified as follows:
·        Bean Managed and Container  Managed Persistence
·        Reentrant and No reentrant Entity Beans

26. What is Bean managed Persistence?
            A Bean managed Persistence is one type of Entity bean. In this type , the author of the bean must write any necessary database calls to send the  object out to persistent storage and read it back in again. To implement bean-managed persistence, we would place our database calls in the ejbLoad() and  ejbStore() routines.  The container calls ejbLoad()  to notify the  object that it should land its state in from a database. The ejbStore() notifies the object that it should write its state out to the database.
27. What is Container Managed Persistence?   
             Container –managed beans have their persistence automatically managed by the EJB container. This is a more sophisticated approach and here the bean developer does not implement the persistence logic. The developer relies on the development descriptor to specify attributes whose persistence should be managed by the container .

28. What is Non-Reentrant Entity Beans?
            Non-Reentrant Entity Beans means , if a call is being processed  and another call to the same object comes in with the same transaction context,  the program will throw a RemoteException and the call will not be allowed.

29. What is Reentrant Entity Beans?
            Reentrant Entity Beans accept more that one call in the same transaction context.  That is , if a call is being processed  and another call to the same object comes in with the same transaction context,  the program will allowed it.  It is possible to specify in a deployment descriptor .

30. What are the tasks perform by the client in EJB conversation?
·        Finding the bean
·        Getting access to a bean
·        Calling the bean’s methods
·        Getting rid of the bean

31. What is the information stored in deployment descriptor?
Ø      The name of the EJB class
Ø      The name of the EJB home interface
Ø      The name of the EJB remote interface
Ø      ACLs of entities  authorized to use each class or method
Ø      For Entity beans, a list of container-managed fields
Ø      For Session beans, a value denoting whether the bean is stateful or stateless

32.  Discuss about Remote Interface.
             This interface for an enterprise bean defines the enterprise bean’s business methods that clients for this bean can access. The remote interface extends javax.ejb.EJBObject , which in turn extends java.rmi.Remote.

33.  Discuss about Home interface .
             This interface defines the bean’s life cycle methods such as creation of new beans, removal of beans, and locating beans. The Home Interface extends javax.ejb.EJBHome , which in turn  extends java.rmi.Remote.

34.  Write about Bean Class.
            The Bean Class has to implement the bean’s business methods in the remote interface apart from some other callback methods. An entity bean must implement javax.ejb.EntityBean and a session bean must implement javax.ajb.SessionBean. Both EntityBean and Session Bean extend javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean.

35.  What is primary Key?
This is very simple class that provides a reference into the database. This class has to implement Only entity beans need a primary key.
A primary key is an object of some user-defined type that can be used to look up a reference to a particular Entity EJB. The getPrimaryKey() method returns the primary key for this object.

36.  Write about Deployment Descriptors.
                Deployment Descriptor is a file that contains information about how beans are managed at runtime.  There are some common primary services related with distributed systems apart from some specific services such as security, transactions, naming that are being handled automatically by EJB server. But still EJB server to know beforehand how to apply the primary services to each bean class at runtime. Deployment descriptors exactly do this all important task.
37.    What is a JAR file? What is the purpose of it?
                JAR files are ZIP files that are used specifically for packaging Java Class that are ready to be used in some type application. A JAR file containing one or more enterprise beans includes the beans classes, remote interfaces, home interfaces, and primary key for each bean. It also contains one deployment descriptor.


1. Briefly explain EJB’s Role in distributed client/server system.
(Page No. : 13 – 16)

2. Discuss following concepts in detail.
                                                               i.      Transaction Processors   (page No.: 1 – 3)
                                                             ii.       OLTP versus OLAP (page No.: 3-4)
                                                            iii.      Two-Tier Client-server Architecture (page No.: 4-7)
                                                           iv.      Three-Tier Architecture (page No.: 7 – 12 )

3. (i) Draw the logical Architecture of EJB and explain it. (Page No.: 17)
     (ii)Distributed Transaction Processing (page No.: 12 – 13) 
     (iii) How the EJB container supports for Management of Multiple Instances (Page No.: 23 – 24)
4. Discuss briefly about   EJB’s Software Architecture with diagram.
(Page No.: 18 - 41)

5.  Explain briefly about EJB Container and their services.  (Page No.: 21 – 25)

6. Write the types of Enterprise Bean and explain it. (Page No.: 26- 41)

7. How to achieve Conversation in EJB and explain it. (Page No.:  41 – 45)

8.  (i) What is Client ? What are the Clients used in our EJB and explain it.
(Page No.: 43 –44) 
(ii) How to build and deploy EJB’s (Page No.: 45-46)

9. How to classify Roles in EJB to construct EJB Application.  (Page No.: 46 - 48) 

10. Discuss detail about providers in EJB.  (Page No.: 46 - 48) 

11.  (i). Write about EJBHome Interface. (Page no. : 27)
       (ii). Write about EJBObject Interface. (Page no. : 28)
       (iii) . Discuss about EnterpriseBean Interface. (Page no. : 29)
       (iv). Discuss about EJBContext Interface . (Page no. : 31)

 12. (i) . Explain about UserTransaction Interface. (Page no. : 33)
      (ii).  Explain about SessionContext Interface. (Page no. : 34)
      (iii). Write  about Session Synchronization Interface. (Page no. : 36)
      (iv).   Discuss about EntityBean Interface. (Page no. : 38)

Book Name    :  Enterprise JavaBeans
Author Name: Tom Valesky

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